Pui Yung Anna WOO

Email: pywoo [@] umich.edu

About Me

Hello! My name is Anna, and my research interests are in cryptography and security. I am currently advised by Prof. Paul Grubbs, working on developing efficient zero-knowledge proofs to enhance the security of legacy systems and enable new applications. Previously, I was advised by Prof. Sherman Chow at the Chinese University of Hong Kong during my undergraduate studies. I use she/her pronouns.


Efficient Proofs of Possession for Legacy Signatures.
Anna P. Y. Woo, Alex Ozdemir, Chad Sharp, Thomas Pornin, Paul Grubbs.
Accepted by IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P), 2025. (Acceptance rate: 14.3%)

LDSP: Shopping with Cryptocurrency Privately and Quickly under Consortium Leadership.
Lucien K. L. Ng, Sherman S. M. Chow, Donald P. H. Wong, Anna P. Y. Woo.
In IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2021. (Acceptance rate: 19.8%)

Goten: GPU-Outsourcing Trusted Execution of Neural Network Training.
Lucien K. L. Ng, Sherman S. M. Chow, Anna P. Y. Woo, Donald P. H. Wong, Yongjun Zhao.
In AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2021. (Acceptance rate: 21.3%)

Selected Award and Honour

Best Project Award, UG Summer Research Internship, Faculty of Engineering of CUHK, 2018–19

Other Awards and Honours


Languages: Programming languages: Tools/Frameworks/Libraries: